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 Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)

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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Empty
PostSubject: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 1:57 pm

Episode 1 (Prolog): Unanswered Questions

Narrater: Long ago on planet Vegeta, a saiyan scientist was finishing his greatest, a saiyan android.

Dracoon: I'm finally finished, and my best work yet. An android infused with saiyan DNA.

Soldier: Hey, Dracoon. I heard that the fool, Bardock, is leading a rebellion against master Freeza. Basically he's commiting suicide.

Dracoon: Bardock isn't as foolish as you think. It was my idea.

Soldier: So you sent him to his death?

Dracoon: No. He is the only one who knows about my android.

Soldier: An android?!

Dracoon: Yes. An android with saiyan DNA. Besides, aren't you getting sick of Freeza ordering us around?

Soldier: Well Freeza has been making us do all of his work for him, and he has been taking all of the credit. In fact the best response he ever gave me was no response at all. But usually he just yells at me.

Bardock walks into Dracoons lab and notices the soldier.

Bardock: I supose that this soldier knows about the android.

Soldier: Yes I do.

Bardock: Well I guess that the android was going to reveiled sooner or later.

Dracoon: I still need time to get Zaya ready to be activated. Can you stall for time?

Bardock: You named the machine?

Soldier: Well it sounds better than just saying android.

Bardock: If you say so.

Dracoon: Are you going to go or not?

Bardock: Yeh, yeh, I'm goin, I'm goin. It's time to cause some chaos.

As Bardock stalls for time, Dracoon prepares Zaya to be activated. But before Dracoon was finished with his memory and had a chance to activate Zaya, planet Vegeta was destroyed by Freeza.

Computerized voice: Automatic system activation.

Zaya: What? Where am I? Where is everybody? I know that I am a saiyan, what am I here for?

Narrater: For decades Zaya searced for answers, but found none.

Suddenly Zaya senses a saiyan energy, but much more powerful than his own.

Zaya: That energy. I know that energy. That is saiyan energy. But it's so powerful. The power seems to be surrounding me so I can't even tell where it is coming from.

The stress inside of Zaya built up in his electrical field. Suddenly the field burst, releasing an incredible power.

Zaya: AAAHHHH!!!

Zaya transformed into a mechanical super saiyan.

Zaya: W-what is this energy? This explains why the energy I sense is so powerful.

Memory files in Zaya's programming opened up.

Computerized voice: Mecha super saiyan. An android super saiyan.

Computerized voice: Super saiyan. A legendary saiyan form said to only have been held in the giant ape form.

Computerized voice: Giant ape. A giant ape-like form of a saiyan caused by the light of the full moon.

Zaya: Mecha super saiyan? But the energy I sense is still much more powerful than mine. Perhaps there are more levels of super saiyan. But now I can sense what direction the energy is coming from and how far away it is. Also the energy I sense seems to be two energys acting as one. It is over ten lightyears away. It would take me at least five hundred years to get my normal form. How fast is this form?

Zaya took off at full speed toward the energy.

Zaya: At this speed it will take now only take me one hundred years to get there, but it's still not fast enough. At least I found out how to regain my memories.

Narrater: Zaya found out how to regain his memories. And a mecha super saiyan form? Stay tuned for the next episode of Dragonball D.

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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:02 pm

Episode 2: The Elemental Warriors of Darkness and Light

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, the saiyan android, Zaya, began a quest to search for answers.

As Zaya is flying through space, he finds a planet.

Zaya: Good, a planet. I need to rest.

Zaya goes to the planet to rest. Someone comes up behind him.

???: Who are you?

Zaya spinning around: What? Who are you?

???: I am known as Nanoob. Now you answer me, Who are you?

Zaya: I am Zaya. I am a saiyan android.

Nanoob: A saiyan, huh? You are the second saiyan to come to planet Yardrat.

Zaya: Another saiyan has been here? Do you know anything about the saiyan race?

Nanoob: Shouldn't you?

Zaya: When I was activated, the saiyan planet was destroyed. I don't know anything about the saiyans.

Nanoob: That's to bad. It was a similar situation with Goku, not knowing about his people.

Zaya: Goku?

Nanoob: The other saiyan who came. All I know is that Goku killed Freeza.

Computerized voice: Freeza. A ruthless tyrant, known to be the strongest in the universe.

A ship land and a male and a female come out.

???female???: This planet is going to be destroyed.

Nanoob: Who are you?! And what right do you have to destroy this planet?!

???male???: Master Coolza gives us the right, and what master Coolza says is law. We are two of his elemental warriors. I am Shade, the warrior of the darkness.

???female???: I am Shine, the warrior of the light. Stand aside.

Nanoob: I will not let you destroy this planet.

Shade: We're not giving you a choice.

<fight scene>
Zaya and Nanoob charge towards Shade and Shine, but they teleport behind Zaya and Nanoob. Shade and Shine kick Zaya and Nanoob in the backs.

Shine: Shining light!

A bright light illuminats from Shine.

Shade: Shadow spell!

Shade disappears, but his shadow remains.

Zaya: What's going on? Where did Shade go?

Shade's shadow kicks Zaya's shadow in the head and Zaya feals the kick. Zaya kicks, but does't hit anything. Shade's shadow elbows Zaya's shadow in the back and Zaya was knocked over.

Zaya: I understand. You are now part of your shadow. It's teamwork. Shine's shining light gives you a shadow to hide in. But without a shadow, you have no place to hide.

Shade's shadow grabs Zaya's shadow to hold him still.

Zaya: Nanoob, you have to find a way to stop Shine's shining light attack!

Zaya struggles to get loose.

Zaya powering up: HAAA!!!

Zaya transforms into his mecha super saiyan form. The energy blasts Shade's shadow off of Zaya's shadow. Nanoob fires a ki blast at Shine, causing her shining light to end. When Shade's shadow faded, Shade reappeared.

Shine: You won this battle, but the war is far from over.

Shade: Once we tell Coolza what you did, he will show no mercy.

Shade and Shine returned to the ship and left the planet.

Nanoob: Thank you for your help, Zaya. You are welcome to stay here as long as you wish.

Zaya powering down: I will only stay untill I am fully reacharged. That's all...But thank you for offering your hospitality.

Narrater: Zaya has gained a new ally, and a new enemy, Coolza. Stay tuned for the next Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:03 pm

Episode 3: Friend or Foe?

Narrater: Previously on Dragonball D, Zaya stops to rest on planet Yardrat. But by the orders of Coolza, the two warriors, Shade and Shine, had other plans for the planet. But Zaya and his new friend, Nanoob, chased them away.

Zaya is preparing to leave planet Yardrat when Nanoob comes to talk.

Nanoob: I wish you didn't have to go. Please at least stay a little longer.

Zaya: I am sorry, but if I don't find answers as soon as possible, it's going to make me more and more upset.

Nanoob: Alright. Good luck on your jouney. Remember, you will always be welcome here.

Zaya: Thank you. I do hope to see you again sometime. Good bye

Nanoob: Good bye. I also hope to see you again.

Zaya transforms into his mecha super saiyan form and flies away. After a few hours, a Yardrat ship came.

Nanoob: I thought that you would want some company on your trip.

Zaya: Nanoob?!

Nanoob: Yes it is.

Zaya: I am glad that you are here. Let's go.

Nanoob transports Zaya onto the ship.

Zaya thinking: His life force is the same, but there is something different about his spiritual energy.

Nanoob: It is amazing that you can't find answers, even when they are right in front of your face.

Zaya: What are you talking about?

Nanoob: Did you really think that I was your friend?

Nanoob attacks Zaya, but Zaya only blocks.

Zaya: I do not want to fight you, Nanoob.

Nanoob: To bad I don't feel the same way.

Another Yardrat ship came and a Yardrat transported onto the first ship. It was Nanoob.

Zaya thinking: Another Nanoob? That explains the different spiritual energy. But who is the imposter?

Nanoob: I came because I thought you could use my company, but it seems that you already have it.

Zaya: That's funny because that is also what "you" said.

Nanoob: Who are you, imposter?

???: My name is Duo. I have come to destroy you.

Nanoob: Why do you look exactly like me?

Duo began to morph into his true form.

Nanoob: You're a shape shifter.

Duo: Exactly. Now you two are going down!

<fight scene>
Zaya punches towards Duo, but Duo dodges to the left. Nanoob does a low kick, but Duo jumps over it. Duo releases a burst of energy pushing Zaya and Nanoob back.

Zaya: Thunder strike! Haa!

Zaya shot a bolt of lightning towards Duo, knocking him to the ground.

Duo panting: F-finish me quickly. But s-send my message of ha-hatred to Coo-Coolza.

Zaya: Do you mean that you are not one of Coolza's warriors?

Duo recovering: No. I would never join that tyrant. I want revenge. That bastard killed my parents!

Nanoob: Then why did you attack us?

Duo: I saw one of Coolza's ships leave the planet. I asumed that the two of you were his sodiers.

Zaya: The it seems that we have a common enemy. I am a saiyan android who is mainly just looking for answers. My name is Zaya.

Nanoob: And I am Nanoob. Would you like to come with us on our jouney?

Duo: Could you even forgive me for attacking you?

Nanoob: That was just a misunderstanding. Of course we can forgive you.

Duo: Thank you.

Narrater: A saiyan android, a Yardrat, and a shape shifter. A very unique team. Zaya is no longer alone on his adventure. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:04 pm

Episode 4: Anu of the Thunder

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya met a new enemy who turned out to be an ally. Now along with Nanoob and Duo, Zaya continues his journey.

Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo are having lunch.

Nanoob: Zaya, you're an android. Why are you eating?

Zaya: I don't need to eat, but it helps me to recharge my energy supply faster. Also, it's odd being the only one here not eating.

Duo: I other words, he's just trying to fit in.

Zaya: Basically.

As the ship flies by a planet, the ship begins to be pulled toward it.

Duo: What's happening?

Nanoob: I don't know. I'll go check it out.

Zaya: I have a bad fealing about this.

Nanoob: There's some kind of energy coming from whatever is pulling us to the planet!

Duo: What is it?!

All of a sudden, both the ship and Zaya shut down. The ship crashes on the planet.

Nanoob: Oh, my head. Are you alright?

Duo dazed: But mommy, I don't want to go to school. All of the kids pick on me.

Nanoob: Oookay.

Duo dazed: Will you read me a bedtime story?

Nanoob slapping Duo: Snap out of it! Are you alright?

Duo: I've felt better. What about Zaya? Is he alright?

Nanoob: This is not good. The energy was an E.M.P.

Duo: What's an E.M.P?

Nanoob: An electro magnetic pulse. It causes all electrical systems to shut down. And that includes Zaya.

Even though Zaya was shut down, his mind was still functioning. Zaya was still aware of what's going on.

Zaya thinking: What happened? And why can't I move?

???: How pathetic.

Duo: Who's there?

Nanoob: Show yourself!

Zaya thinking: Who was that? I want to help.

???: Come out of that ship and see for yourself.

Nanoob and Duo walk out of the ship.

???: I am Anu of the thunder.

Duo: He is a demon.

Anu transformed into an elecrical form.

<fight scene>
Anu punchs Duo in the stomache with lightning speed. Nanoob tries to attack Anu, but he is to fast. Anu kicks Nanoob in the back sending him flying several feet away. Duo charges toward Anu, but Anu attacks first.

Anu: Thunder bolt!

Anu's attack knocks Duo unconsious.

Nanoob: Duo!!!

Zaya thinking: Duo!!!

Narrater: How will they defeat Anu? And what will happen to Zaya? Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:05 pm

Episode 5: Mecha Super Saiyan 2

Narrater: Last time, thanks to an E.M.P, both the ship and Zaya have been shut down. now they have to defend against the attacks of Anu.

Nanoob: Duo, get up!

Zaya thinking: I have to help my friends somehow.

Anu: Just give up. You will never defeat me.

Nanoob: I will never give up!

Nanoob charges to attack Anu.

Anu: Thunder bolt!

Anu shot a continuous beam of electricity at Nanoob.

Nanoob: Aaah!!!

Zaya thinking: No! Nanoob!

Computerized voice: System reactivated.

Zaya comes running out of the ship and transforms into mecha super saiyan.

Zaya: Release him!

Anu releases Nanoob from the attack.

Nanoob weakened: Zaya?!

Zaya: Relax, Nanoob.

Anu: How fun. another toy to play with.

Zaya: Well you should have read the warning label on this toy.

<fight scene>
Zaya charges toward, Anu but he dodges. Anu quickly moves behind Zaya to kick him in the head, but he ducks under the kick. Zaya does a low kick to Anu, but Anu jumps high up inyo the air. Anu strikes down on Zaya like lightning.

Zaya: Aaah!!!

Nanoob: Zaya!

Anu: To bad. I broke another toy. That one was fun, to.

Zaya getting up: This toy isn't broken yet.

Duo waking up: Uh.

Nanoob and Zaya: Duo!

Anu: The three of you don't know when to quit, do you? You should have when you had the chance.

Anu began to gather electrical energy into a ball.

Anu: Thunder bomb!

Anu throws the electric ball at Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo. Before the attack hit, Zaya puts up a barrior to protect his friends. When the electricity clears, Zaya is in a new powerful form. Wires were bulging out of his skin like veins.

Computerized voice: Mecha super saiyan 2. A form beyond mecha super saiyan.

Zaya: Nobody hurts my friends an gets away with it!

<fight scene>
Anu attacks Zaya only to attack an after image.

Anu confused: Where are you?

Zaya: Behind you.

Anu spins around to kick Zaya in the head, but he only kicks another after image.

Anu frustrated: Another fake?!

Zaya: Up here.

Anu looking up: That's it! Enough games!

Zaya mocking Anu: But I thought that you like to play with toys.

Anu gathers electrical energy.

Anu: Thunder bomb!!!

Anu throws the thunder bomb, but Zaya catchs it and shoots it back at Anu with his own blast.

Zaya: Giga blast!

Anu was knocked to the ground and weakened.

Anu weakened: W-who are y-you?

Zaya: My name is Zaya. I am a saiyan android.

Anu: You were able to control my attack and use it as your own. Therefore you are worthy for me to give it to you.

Anu gave Zaya his energy.

Anu: You are the best toy I ever played with. I will leave now.

Anu walks away as if nothing happened. After he left a ball with 3 silver stars appears.

Duo: What's this?

Nanoob: I don't know.

Zaya: I don't think Anu is a demon like Duo said. I think he just like a child who likes to play.

Narrater: Zaya now has a new level of mecha super saiyan. And Anu just wanted to play. Stay tuned for the next Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:06 pm

Episode 6: Stranded

Narrater: Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo would continue thier journey, but there is one problem, thier ship is wrecked.

Nanoob is trying to start up the ship.

Nanoob: Still nothing. The ship's power core is fried.

Duo: Can you repair it?

Nanoob: I could if I had the right equipment. But I don't.

Duo: Zaya could leave though, right?

Zaya: I could leave. But I could not leave my friends.

Nanoob: Zaya, how were you able to reactivate after the affects of the E.M.P?

Zaya: I am not sure. I think that I used will power.

Duo: How can an android have a will of his own?

Zaya: I am not sure. Also, my mind was still active while I was nonfuntional.

Nanoob: I have heard of something like this. But I thought that it was only a myth

Zaya: What is it?

Nanoob: An artificial inteligence so detailed that a soul was created.

Zaya: While we are here, why don't we learn more about each other?

Nanoob: I have always been somewhat of a loner.

Duo: Me to.

Zaya: We all have something in common. All there is to me is what you two already know.

Nanoob: When I was little, I was always teased...

Student: Hey, Nanoob. After class come to the bathroom. I have something that I want to show you.

Nanoob: Okay.

After class, Nanoob goes into the bathroom.

Nanoob: I'm here. What did you want to show me?

Student: It's in here

The student pushes Nanoob into a suply closet and locks him in.

Nanoob crying: Hey! Let me out! Let me out!

Student: What a wimp.

Nanoob: I was locked in that closet for three days. It was then when I decided to train to be a protecter of the weak.

Duo: It sounds like you were more like a bully magnet that a loner. But we both had bad pasts. I have always avoided people...

Teacher: Duo, why don't you come over and play with the other kids?

Duo: I don't want to.

Later at a parent teacher meeting, Duo is listening through the door.

Teacher: He won't go anywhere near the other children.

Mother: He is the same way at home.

Father: What do you suggest that we do?

Teacher: I don't know. But if he doesn't make any friends, it may affect him perminantly.

Mother: Well we will have a talk with him.

Father: Or maybe he is afraid of what he is.

As Duo and his parents are walking home, Coolza ship lands.

Coolza: This looks like a nice planet to take over.

Coolza walks over to Duo's parents...

Duo: I'm sorry. I can't continue.

Zaya: Ther's no pressure.

Duo turns away to hide his tears when a ship lands.

Duo: No. It can't be. It's Coolza's ship.

Coolza walking out of the ship: This planet is just a waste of space. But I can fix that. I will destroy it.

Narrater: There are some memories that people would wish that they forget. But it is said that history repeats itself. What happened with Duo's parents and Coolza? Find out on the next Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:06 pm

Episode 7: Face Off

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, memories were reveiled. But it seems that Duo still has a secret.

Duo studdering: P-p-please n-no.

Zaya and Nanoob: Coolza!

Coolza looking at Duo: You look familiar, twerp. Have I seen you before?

Duo tries to talk, but he looses his voice.

Coolza: Speachless, huh? That's not uncommen with me.

Shade and Shine come out of the ship.

Shine: These are the ones we told you about.

Coolza: You may be my weakest warriors. But I am still impressed that anyone can beat you with your techniques.

Shade: They were able to negate our techniques.

Coolza: And that is why I am impressed.

Zaya: Shade!

Nanoob: Shine!

Coolza looking at Zaya: You appear to be a saiyan.

Zaya: That's right. I am Zaya. I am a saiyan android.

Coolza: All you are to me is an android monkey!

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan 2. Zaya and Nanoob step between Coolza and Duo.

Zaya: Leave Duo alone!

Coolza: Shade, Shine, attack!

Shade and Shine attack Zaya and Nanoob causing a fear grow within Duo.

Duo's mother and father step between Coolza and Duo.

Father: Leave Duo alone!

Coolza: Shade, Shine, attack!

Shade and Shine attack Duo's mother and father.

Coolza: Now I recognize you. You're that little brat that I met long ago. Answer me this, how did you manage to get out of that alive?

Duo wimpering: Please not again.

<fight scene>
Zaya punchs Shine in the gut and Nanoob elbos Shade in the head.

Shade: Shadow clone!

Shade's shadow turns into a clone of Shade. Both Shade and his clone punchs Nanoob in the head.

Shine: Refraction!

Six clones of Shine appear.

Shine: In order to destroy me, you have to destroy all of us at once.

Shine and his clones gang up on Zaya as Shade and his clone beet on Nanoob.

Coolza: Have you ever danced with the devil?

<fight scene>
Duo's father punchs Shine in the gut and Nanoob elbos Shade in the head.

Shade: Shadow clone!

Shade's shadow turns into a clone of Shade. Both Shade and his clone punchs Nanoob in the head.

Shine: Refraction!

Six clones of Shine appear.

Shine: In order to destroy me, you have to destroy all of us at once.

Shine and his clones gang up on Duo's father as Shade and his clone beet on Duo's mother.

Coolza: You were a pathetic little boy then, you are pathetic little boy now.

Duo transforms into his child form.

Duo crying: Mommy, daddy, help me!

Coolza: Just like I said.

Narrater: Duo is reliving his childhood. Will Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo manage to destroy Coolza? Find out on the next Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:07 pm

Episode 8: The Dragon Guardians

Narrater: Duo is reliving his past, leaving him parralized with fear and unable to help Zaya and Nanoob from Coolza.

Coolza: History is repeating itself. How fun. But this time there is nobody protecting you from me.

Zaya gives off an electrical field, destroying Shine and all of his clones.

Zaya: Did you really think that ganging up on me would help you win?

Nanoob begins to focus some of his life energy into a beam.

Nanoob: Soul reaper!

The beam destroys Shade and his clone.

Nanoob: It is to bad that you were on the the side of evil. You could have been a powerful ally.

Zaya and Nanoob step in between Coolza and Duo.

Nanoob: Like we told you before! Leave Duo alone!

Zaya: In order to get to him, you are going to have to go through us!

Coolza: If you insist.

Coolza gathers energy into a giant flaming ball.

Coolza: Nova ball!

Coolza throws the energy ball at Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo.

Duo crying: No! Mammy! Daddy!

Duo's mother and father escape from Shade and Shine and step in between Coolza and Duo.

Mother: Like we told you before! Leave Duo alone!

Father: In order to get to him, you are going to have to go through us!

Coolza: If you insist.

Coolza gathers energy into a giant flaming ball.

Coolza: Nova ball!

Coolza throws the energy ball at Duo and his parents.

Duo crying: No! Mammy! Daddy!

When the attack hit, Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo were protected by a barrier. When they look up they see who put up the barrier.

???: You have impressive detail, Coolza. But I can tell that you are only a puppet.

The stranger slashs Coolza in half with his sword. Then Coolza turns into a doll.

???: A homunculus puppet is like a living puppet controled by who or what it repressents. But it is not the real thing.

Duo changes back into his adault form

Zaya: Who are you?

???: My name is Nightshade. So we meet again, Duo.

Nanoob: Do you know him, Duo?

Duo: I've never met him before.

Nightshade: When we met, you were knocked unconsious. I am the reason that you survived Coolza's attack when you were little.

Duo: But why didn't you save my parents.

Nightshade: I could not save them in time. I am sorry for that.

Nanoob: How were you able to get here to save us in time?

Nightshade: I realized that Zaya beet Anu. That is what gained my attention. Before what had my attention was a little boy crying.

Duo: So you noticed that Zaya beet that demon?

Nightshade: Anu is not a demon. The only thing that makes him a seem like a demon is his personality. Anu is actually a dragon guardian.

Zaya: What is a dragon guardian?

Nightshade: A dragon guardian is a guardian of the silver star dragonballs. Because of how powerful the silver star dragonballs are, you have to prove yourself to each of the 7 guardians. There was only one person who managed to get all 7 of the silver star dragonballs. You had to prove power to Anu.

Zaya: So the ball that Anu gave us with the three silver stars in the center is a dragonball?

Nightshade: Yes it is.

Narrater: How powerful can the silver star dragonballs be that they have to be guarded? Stay tuned for the next Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2006 1:52 pm

Episode 9: Cindra of the Fire

Narrater: Last time, Zaya and the others learned about the silver star dragonballs and the dragon guardians.

Nanoob: I remember Goku talking about the dragonballs and that they are made by the namekians.

Nightshade: The nameks aren't the only ones who can make the dragonballs. There is an infinite number of dragonballs.

Zaya: Why are the silver star dragonballs guarded?

Nightshade: Because they are one of the most powerful sets of dragonballs. These dragonballs have the power to alter reality.

Duo: How do we leave? The ship isn't working so we can't leave to find them.

Nanoob: Zaya could always leave.

Zaya: I would never leave my friends behind.

Nightshade: Once you manage to get just one dragonball, they will find you.

???: He is right you know.

Zaya and the others turn around to see a young man.

Zaya: So you also know about the dragon guardians?

???: That is one of the advantages of being one of them. I am Cindra of the fire.

Zaya: I beet Anu, I can also beet you.

Cindra: Each of us are different. There are other ways to win other than beeting your oponent.

<fight scene>
Zaya punchs Cindra's head, but Cindra ducks and does a low kick to trip Zaya, but he jumps over the kick. While Zaya was in mid air, Cindra does an uppercut to him knocking him to the ground.

Zaya: You're pretty good.

Cindra: You're not so bad yourself. But you need to release your inner power to win against me.

Zaya transforming into mecha super saiyan: Haaa!!! Let's see how you do against this power.

Cindra: Using power alone is not enough to win.

Zaya charges toward Cindra and punchs him in the chest. Cindra kicks Zaya in the head. Zaya moves behind Cindra and elbos him in the back. Cindra elbos Zaya in the gut, then he turns around and punchs Zaya in the head, then he moves behind Zaya and kicks him in the back.

Cindra: You will not win with brute force alone. You have to release your inner power.

Zaya thinking: How is it that powering up didn't have much of an affect? It's as if he is able to match my power.

Cindra: Power isn't everything.

Zaya: I guess that I will have to go one step farther. Haaa!!!

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan 2.

Zaya: Can you keep up with this form?

Cindra punchs Zaya but it was only an after image. Zaya shoots a ki blast at Cindra. Cindra charges toward Zaya, but it was another after image. Zaya elbos Cindra in the back. Cindra turns around and does an uppercut, but it was a third after image. Zaya came from above and kicks Cindra to the ground.

Cindra getting up: Better, but not good enough.

Zaya thinking: How is that posible?! He got back up as if nothing happened!

Narrater: What will it take to beet Cindra? Stay tuned.

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The Dark Angel
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 04, 2007 2:14 pm

Episode 10: The Cyber Saiyan

Narrater: No matter what Zaya does to Cindra, he won't stay down. How will Zaya beet Cindra?

Zaya: Why don't you stay down? It's obvious that I am stronger that you.

Cindra: Is that really what you think?

Cindra's body became fire.

Cindra: Now let's see who has the upper hand.

<fight scene>
Zaya launchs continuous punchs and kicks to Cindra, but he blocks every punch and kick. Zaya shot a ki blast at Cindra, but Cindra catchs it.

Cindra: Reckless fireball!

The ki blast became engulfed if fire and Cindra thows it back at Zaya. For a moment when the blast hit Zaya, he could feel pure electrical energy flowing though him.

Zaya: How did you do that?!

Cindra: That is one of my techniques.

Zaya: Well try and stop this! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Zaya shot several ki blasts at Cindra.

Cindra: Reckless firestorm!

Each of the ki blasts were engulfed in fire and sent back at Zaya. For a moment when the ki blasts hit Zaya, his arm became pure electricity.

Zaya thinking: What just happened to my arm?

Cindra thinking: You almost had it. Just a little farther.

Zaya gathering energy: That's it. you won't be able to turn this one against me. Thunder strike!

Zaya shot a continuous bolt of lightning at Cindra.

Cindra: Reckless inferno!

Before the attack hit Cindra, it became engulfed in and was sent back at Zaya. Zaya is now trapped in his own attack.

Zaya yelling: Aaah!!!

Cindra thinking: You can do it.

Parts of Zaya's body began to turn into and out of pure elecricity.
Then Zaya transforms into pure electricity.

Zaya: What happened? What is going on?

Compuerized voice: Cyber saiyan. The cyber saiyan is an alternate form of mecha super saiyan. The cyber saiyan can enter the programming of other mechanical devices.

Cindra: You have now earned the 7 star dragonball, Zaya.

Zaya: But I haven't beeten you yet.

Cindra: Winning doesn't always meen beeting you opponent.

Nightshade: Cindra is the transformation guardian. To prove yourself to him you have to transform beyond what you can already do.

Nanoob: That is why Cindra sent Zaya's attacks back at him. Only he can release his own power.

Cindra: That is correct.

Duo: That does make sense. But what's the use of Zaya being a computer program?

Nightshade: The ship.

Nanoob: Zaya will be able to become part of the ship and take control.

Duo: Then we can get off this planet?

Zaya: Let's see.

Zaya enters the ships programming and activates the ship.

Duo: Alright, it worked!

Nightshade: Well we'll be on our way now.

Nanoob: Does that meen that you want to come with us?

Nightshade: If it is alright with you. I have nothing else to do.

Zaya, Nanoob, and Duo leave the planet with Nightshade. On the ship, a hologram of Zaya appears.

Nightshade: Two dragonballs already, impressive.

Zaya: Impressive, but not easy.

Narrater: Zaya has obtained another dragonball and an alternate form of a mecha super saiyan, the cyber saiyan. And they have a new member of the crew, Nightshade. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Dragonball D.

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 10, 2007 4:37 pm

Episode 11: Shade's Father, Daimon

Narrater: Zaya and the others are back on their journey. But elsewhere, a father wants revenge.

???: Please allow me to avenge my son's death, Coolza.

Coolza: Nobody is going anywhere without my orders.

???: I demand to go. And I will go wether you say so or not!

Coolza: You can go. I like it when you show me attitude. That is why you are second in comand.

???: Thank you, Coolza. I will avenge my son, Shade!

Meanwhile, back on Zaya's ship, they land on a barren planet to rest. They walk out of the ship, except for Zaya, who leaves the ship's programming. Zaya returns to his base form.

Zaya: I need to rest. My energy level is way to low.

Duo: In the meantime, me and Nanoob are going to do some sparring.

Nanoob and Duo began sparring while Zaya recharges. Suddenly one of Coolza's ships lands.

???: You will pay!

Zaya: Why do they always have to come when I'm recharging?

???: You will pay for the death of Shade! You will pay with your lives!

Nightshade: Who are you?

Zaya sarcastically: And how many times have you said that?

???: I am Shade's teacher.

Duo: So you want to avenge your student?

???: Shade was my son. I am also second in command under Coolza. My name is Daimon.

Duo: So you are the teacher of that weakling?

Daimon: Shade was a great student. But I was a horrible teacher.

Zaya: I will have to rest later.

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan, but then he reverts back to his base form.

Zaya: Damn! I don't even have enough energy to transform into mecha super saiyan.

Nightshade: This isn't good.

Daimon getting impatient: Stop waisting time. Shadow clones!

Clones of Zaya, Nightshade, Nanoob, and Duo appear from thier shadows.

Daimon: You probably did not reallize that you worst enemy is yourself.

Nanoob: This is different from Shade's shadow clone technique.

Daimon laughing: I said that I was a horrible teacher.

<fight scene>
Nanoob punchs toward shadow Nanoob's head, but shadow Nanoob ducks and does an uppercut to Nanoob sending him flying. Shadow Nanoob jumps up, grabs Nanoob, and thows him to the ground. Duo does a low kick to shadow Duo, he jumps and kicks Duo in the head knocking him down. Nightshade punchs toward shadow Nightshade, but he catchs and holds his fist. Shadow Nightshade thows Nightshade into the air, then he jumps up above Nightshade and spears him to the ground

Shadow Zaya: You are unable to fight me. I like those odds.

Zaya thinking: Why did he have to come now?

Shadow Zaya transforms into cyber saiyan and took over Zaya's programming

Zaya being taken over: No don...he he he he.

Nanoob: No, Zaya!

Duo: Zaya's to weak to be any use to you!

Posessed Zaya: You are wrong. Whatever Zaya takes control of he powers it himself with his own power. The same goes for me. By the way, if you try to attack me, you will only hurt this body and not me.

Narrater: How can Zaya fight when he is no longer in control of his own body? Stay tuned.

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 13, 2007 12:43 pm

Episode 12: The Battle Within

Narrater: Last time, Shade's father, Daimon,came to avenge his son's death, and is doing a good job at it. Now Zaya is posessed by own shadow clone, Shadow Zaya.

Daimon thinking: As long as Shadow Zaya keeps Zaya under control, he will be a great ally.

Posessed Zaya: You are all fools.

Nanoob notices a telepathic energy coming from the real Zaya.

Nanoob thinking: Zaya!

Daimon and Zaya leave on Daimon's ship. As they leave, the shadow clones vanish and a woman arrives

Woman: He is still in there.

Nanoob: What?

Woman: He is still in there and he is fighting his own programming.

Nightshade: It's been a while.

Nanoob: You know her?

Nightshade: Yes I do. We are good friends.

Woman: My name is Spectra.

Duo: We can't just leave him on his own.

Spectra creates a barrior around them.

Spectra: This barrior will allow us to breath in space.

The barrior lifts them to follow the ship.

Daimon: Zaya will be quite useful to us.

Posessed Zaya: Yes I will. I also have two drag...

Daimon: Two what?

Zaya: I...won' anything!

Daimon yelling angrily: What?!!!

Posessed Zaya: I'm sorry. Zaya seems to be trying to take back control of his body. But I don't understand how.

Daimon: Well keep it together. Now what were you going to say?

Posessed Zaya: They are...

Zaya:...I...won't say! You won't win!

Daimon getting frustrated: I already have!

Duo: Zaya is right.

Spectra came with the others appear out of nowhere.

Daimon: You deal with them, Zaya.

Posessed Zaya gathers electrical energy into a ball.

Posessed Zaya: Giga bomb!

When posessed Zaya is about to throw the giga bomb, he couldn't move his arms and the bomb vanishs.

Zaya straining:...You...will not...control me!

Zaya manages to push shadow Zaya out of his programming.

Shadow Zaya frustrated: Impossible! I was in complete control of your programming!

Zaya: There is more to me than just wires and circuits and programming. Let's see how you like being a puppet!

Zaya transforms into cyber saiyan and enters shadow Zaya's proogramming.

Spectra: I new it.

<fight scene>
Zaya punchs Daimon in the face. Daimon knees Zaya in the gut. Zaya does an uppercut to Daimon's jaw. Daimon spit out a couple teeth.

Zaya: Let's have a team effort and combine our attacks. Giga bomb!

Zaya holds the bomb and waits for the others.

Duo: Avenger ball!

Duo thows a fireball into Zaya's bomb.

Spectra: Soul punisher!

Spectra throws a glowing energy ball into Zaya's bomb.

Nanoob: Royal blade!

Nanoob does a chop into the air sending a blade of energy into Zaya's bomb.

Nightshade: Powerful alliance!

Zaya's energy ball grows 5 times more powerful.

Zaya throws the energy ball at Daimon. But before the attack hit, Daimon escapes by disapearing into his shadow. Then the shadow vanishs. Zaya ran in front of the energy ball and right before it hits, Zaya leaves shadow Zaya's body. Shadow Zaya is destroyed.

Zaya going back into his base form: Let's go.

Narrater: Zaya is now free from shadow Zaya, but Daimon got away. Stay tuned for the next Dragonball D.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 18, 2007 12:20 pm

Episode 13: Esrever's Reversal

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya and the others were able to win against Daimon, but he is far from beaten. In another part of the universe, there is a new evil.

???: My brother has been taking the glory for to long. Now it's my turn. You did well making him think that you were on his side, Daimon.

Daimon: Like I would really team up with someone as weak as Coolza.

???: But I am disapointed that you failed!

Daimon: Somehow that android, Zaya, was able to do the impossible. The cyber saiyan form was supposed to take total control of his programming.

???: And that is why you underestimated him! Zaya has a soul, and the soul is not part of the programming. This time, I will send Esrever.

Daimon: Yes master Freezer.

Esrever appearing out of nowhere: Do not feel ashamed, Daimon. You have a great power. That is why you are coming with me.

Back on Zaya's ship, questions were being asked.

Zaya: It is obvious that you are an ally. But may I ask who you are?

Spectra: My name is Spectra. I am a master of spiritual power.

Nightshade: And she is a good friend of mine.

Duo: What kind of attack is 'royal blade'?

Nanoob: It is an ability of the royal family. I am a prince. The reason that I was always picked on in school was because everybody believed that I thought that I was better than them just because I was royalty.

Duo: You're a prince?! I am sorry for questioning you, your majesty.

Nanoob: You only say 'your majesty' to kings and queens, and I won't become a king unless I manage to release my true power.

Zaya: You don't want to be reffered to as royalty, do you?

Nanoob: No.

Daimon's voice: Besides, how can you become king if you're dead?

A shadow appears on the floor. Daimon and Esrever emerges from the shadow.

Duo: Who is that?

Esrever: My name is Esrever.

Zaya powering up: Well take this. Thunder strike!

Zaya launchs his attack at Esrever. But when the blast hit, Zaya is the one who is blasted back.

Esrever: Did I forget to mention? I have the ability to reverse energy.

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan 2.

Zaya gathering energy: Giga bomb!

Zaya thows the giga bomb, but it reverses direction and hits Zaya. Zaya reverts back to his base form weakened.

Nightshade: It's unbelievable that Coolza has such strong warriors!

Daimon: That is because he doesn't. We follow his twin brother, Freezer, and he is much more powerful than Coolza.

Esrever: Coolza is a weakling.

Zaya tries to stand up even though he can hardly move.

Zaya: You will not win, Esrever.

Esrever: How can you even stand up as weak as you are?!

Spectra: With will power.

Narrater: Coolza has a twin?! And he's even more powerful! Stay tuned.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 22, 2007 4:30 pm

Episode 14: The Dark Phoenix

Narrater: Last time, Zaya and the others learned about Coolza's twin brother, Freezer. And he is even more powerful than Coolza.

Esrever: You don't know what you are up against. I can reverse any kind of ki energy. I can even turn good to evil.

Zaya: Impossible!

Esrever: Didn't you know? Coolza was the black sheep of the family. He used to be on the side of good until Freezer ordered me to turn him evil.

Duo trembling: Oh no. If he uses his ability on me, t-there is going to be b-big t-t-trouble!

Esrever: What was that? I have a feeling that I am going to like this.

Duo pleading in fear: Please no.

Esrever uses his ability on Duo. But something happens that he did not expect. Duo began to transform. His eyes turn blood red. Large spikes grow out of his shoulders, elbows, and knees. Then he grows black wings. He was no longer Duo.

Esrever: Incredible!

???: I have been imprisoned in that body far to long! I am the dark phoenix!!!

Esrever: You are better than I would ever have ima...

Dark Phoenix: Silence mortal! You are no use to me.

Esrever enraged: Hey, you should be grateful to me! I am the one who released you!

Dark Phoenix: I don't owe anybody any gratitude!

Esrever: If you are not going to obey me, then I will reseal you!

Esrever uses his ability on the dark phoenix, but nothing happens.

Dark Phoenix laughing: Ha ha ha ha ha! Pitiful mortal. You didn't really think that I would allow myself to be sealed away again so easily, did you? Ha ha ha ha!

The dark phoenix reverses Esrever's ability back at him.

Dark Phoenix: Nothing can stop me now! Ha ha ha!

The dark phoenix shot a fire blast at Zaya, but Esrever saves Zaya.

Nanoob confused: What just happened?

Spectra: Esrever's ability was reflected back at him. So now he's on our side.

Esrever: Zaya, use up the rest of your energy.

Zaya: What?!

Esrever: Trust me! Just do it!!!

Zaya powers down. Then he automatically transforms into mecha super saiyan 2.

Zaya confused: Uh, thank you?

Daimon: That's it. I'm out of here.

Daimon begins to disapear into his shadow. But the dark phoenix extends his arm and grabs Daimon.

Dark Phoenix: You're not going anywhere, Daimon.

The dark phoenix engulfs Daimon in fire.

Daimon yelling in pain: Aaaahhh!!!

Zaya gathering energy: That's it, you're finished. Giga bomb!

Zaya throws the giga bomb at the dark phoenix, but he catchs it and destroys it. Then Zaya notices tears in the dark phoenix's eyes.

Zaya: Duo?!

Spectra: Fusion.

Nanoob: What?

Nightshade: That is the only way we can win. With fusion.

Esrever: Yes, I've heard of that. The process of two people becoming one.

Nightshade: Spectra, Nanoob,...and Esrever, try to hold the dark phoenix off while I teach the fusion dance to Zaya. Then we will fuse together.

Nightshade teachs the fusion dance to Zaya.

Nightshade: Do you have it memorized now?

Zaya: Yes I do. Let's do it!

Zaya and Nightshade begin the fusion dance.

Zaya and Nightshade: Fu...sion...

Before Zaya and Nightshade were able to finish the fusion dance, the dark phoenix shot a fireball at them interrupting them.

Zaya and Nightshade: Aaah!

Narrater: Duo has become the dark phoenix and is now a deadly enemy to his enemies...and his friends. But thanks to the dark phoenix, Esrever is now an ally. Will Zaya and the others have to kill Duo? And if so, how will they be able to? Stay tuned.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 24, 2007 3:15 pm

Episode 15: Nitaya, The Fusion of Nightshade and Zaya

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Esrever's ability released the dark phoenix, which was sealed within Duo. When Esrever tryed to seal away the dark phoenix again, the dark phoenix reflected Esrever's ability back at him, turning him good.

Zaya: Try to hold him off!

Esrever: What do you think we're trying to do?

Nightshade: Okay, let's try this again.

Zaya and Nightshade: Fu...sion...ha!!!

Right when they were about to finish the fusion, the dark phoenix shoots a fire ball at them, causing them to mess up. There is a flash of light. Then where Zaya and Nightshade was stood a short, fat person with short, black hair.

Nanoob: Is that how he is suposed to look? Because he doesn't look that strong.

Spectra: No. The dark phoenix shot a fire ball at them causing them to mess up the fusion.

Nanoob: What's your name?

???: It's Nitaya.

Nitaya runs over to the dark phoenix to attack him, but got out of breath half way there.

Dark Phoenix: Ha ha ha ha! You have got to be kidding me. You're sending a fat blob like that to fight me? Ha ha ha ha ha!

<fight scene>
The dark phoenix knees Nitaya in the gut, sending him flying. Nitaya tries to punch the dark phoenix, but he dodges, punchs him in the head to knock him down, and gathers energy for an attack.

Dark Phoenix: Phoenix fire!

The dark phoenix shoots a beam of fire at Nitaya. But before the beam hit, Nitaya rolls out of the way.

Esrever: I think that I have an idea.

Esrever uses his ability to seporate Nitaya back to Zaya and Nightshade.

Nightshade: Alright, let's try that again.

Zaya: Okay, let's go.

Zaya and Nightshade: Fu...sion...ha!!!

The fusion was done correctly this time. There is a blinding light and where Nightshade and Zaya stood was the correct form of Nitaya. Nitaya transforms into a form known as semi-super saiyan 3. His hair is black with blond stripes and it grew down to his waist. His eyes were silver.

Nitaya: Alright! Let's do this!

<fight scene>
Nitaya dashs towards the dark phoenix, but the dark phoenix trips Nitaya. Nitaya launchs one million punchs and kicks in less than a second, but he only hit a barrior.

Nitaya gathering energy: Barrior breaker!

Nitaya's fist begins to glow, then he punchs the barrior and breaks through.

Nitaya: Electric barrage!

Nitaya shoots several bolts of electricity at the dark phoenix. But when he stops, the dark phoenix is unaffected. The dark phoenix begins to create a ball of fire.

Dark Phoenix: Phoenix fire blast!

The dark phoenix through the ball of fire at Nitaya knocking him down and causing him to revert back to semi-super saiyan 2. Nitaya charges towards the dark phoenix and launchs fifty thousand punchs and kicks, but the dark phoenix blocks them all. The dark phoenix grabs onto Nitaya's neck and begins to drain his energy causing him to defuse.

Nightshade: He cannot be stopped!

Duo sending a telepathic message: Please help me.

Zaya: Duo is still in there fighting with us. I believe that Duo made the dark phoenix hold back. Otherwise, Nightshade and I would be dead right now.

Spectra: There are two problems. One is that we can't destroy the dark phoenix without also destroying Duo.

Zaya: Well I think that Duo would rather be dead than to be controlled by the dark phoenix.

Spectra: The second problem is that the dark phoenix is immortal. He cannot be destroyed.

Zaya looks over to Nanoob and notices that he was meditating.

Zaya: What are you doing?

Nanoob: It's a form of a meditative prayer known as the jinune. The dark phoenix was sealed away inside Duo with an enchantment. When Esrever used his ability on Duo, the enchantment was changed into a curse. Now Duo is the one who is sealed away.

<fight scene>
The dark phoenix punchs Spectra in the head. Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan 2.

Zaya gathering energy: Giga bomb!

The dark phoenix blocks the giga bomb and shoots one hundred thousand ki blasts at Zaya in one second. Zaya is knocked down, causing him to revert back to his base form.

Narrater: Who can destroy the dark phoenix if not even Nitaya could? Stay tuned.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 27, 2007 1:32 pm

Episode 16: Rise of the Yardrat King

Narrater: Last time, Zaya and Nightshade fused and became Nitaya to defeat the dark phoenix, but failed.

Nanoob: I know that you are still in there fighting with us, Duo.

The dark phoenix grabs Nanoob by the throat and begins to choke him. Zaya, Spectra, and Esrever charges at the dark phoenix, but are deflected by a barrior.

Nanoob choking: were...little,...isn't it?

The dark phoenix let go of Nanoob.

Nanoob comforting Duo: I will end your suffering.

Suddenly Nanoob grows angelic wings.

Zaya: What's happening?

Spectra: Nanoob is reveiling his true power.

Nanoob: I am the guardian angel. I will save you, Duo.

Nanoob charges toward the dark phoenix. He punchs the dark phoenix, seporating Duo from the dark phoenix.

Nanoob: Royal banishing seal!

Several royal symbols are carved into the air around the dark phoenix. The symbols begin to glow, radiating an unusual energy toward the dark phoenix.

Dark Phoenix: What's going on?! What are you doing?!

Nanoob: Seal the darkness!

The dark phoenix begins to glow. Then there was a flash of light and the dark phoenix vanishs. Where the dark phoenix was are seven black balls with red stars in the center of them.

Nanoob: The dark phoenix has been sealed away again. He is now imprisoned within these balls.

Nightshade: The phoenixballs.

Zaya: What do we do with them?

Nanoob: The dark phoenix will only appear again if the phoenixball are gathered together again. We have to scatter them throughout the universe.

Spectra: Allow me to do that.

Spectra holds her hand out palm up and raises it. As she raises her hand, the phoenixballs also begin to raise. The door of the ship opens up and the phoenixballs are sent out of the ship. When they were out of the ship, they all shot in different directions.

Zaya: You released your true power. That means that you are the king, right?

Nanoob: Yes it does. I have become the king of my people.

Duo in tears kneeling before Nanoob: Thank you for rescuing me, your maj...

Nanoob interupting Duo: I don't want to be referred to as royalty. That's why I was hoping that this day would never come.

Zaya: Why don't you want to be treated as royalty?

Nanoob: Beause of the attention. My people are going are going to treat me differently now and I don't want that. I just want to be treated like a normal person.

Nightshade: You don't want things to change.

Nanoob: That's right.

Duo getting back to his feet: Then thank you for rescuing me, Nanoob. Does this mean that you are going to have to leave?

Nanoob: I will have to leave. But that can be dellayed. I will stay with all of you at least until Zaya finds some answers. I could not abandon my friends.

Zaya: Thank you.

Esrever: What about me? I have no place to go.

Nanoob: You are welcome to come with me. You can start a new life with a clean slate.

Esrever: Thank you.

Zaya: In the meen time, we have one of Freezer's best warriors on our side now.

Esrever: Actually, I am one Freezer's weeker warriors. I just hope that you won't have to go up against his elite warriors.

Zaya: Who are they?

Esrever: I don't know. But I do know that there are four of them And there powers highly excede my own.

Duo: But you have the ability to reverse any kind of energy.

Esrever: for som reason, my power does not work against them. I don't know why.

Suddenly Daimon appears out of nowhere.

Daimon: Great performence. The dark phoenix is legendary. And you were able to destroy it.

Nightshade: The dark phoenix was only sealed away. The dark phoenix is immortal and cannot be destroyed.

Duo: But now your ally is now our's.

Daimon: Not for much longer. Shadow clone!

A clone of Esrever appears from his shadow. Before Esrever has a chance to respond, shadow Esrever uses his ability and changes Esrever back to evil again.

Zaya disapointed: I knew that it was to good to be true.

Esrever: Good bye and good riddens.

Esrever thinking as he is leaving: Would you have really allowed me to stay with you after what I have done?

Nanoob thinking: The offer will always be open.

Narrater: Nanoob became the guardian angel and the king, saved Duo, and won against the dark phoenix by sealing him away within the phoenixballs. Unfortunately, Esrever was turned back to evil and the dark phoenix cannot be destroyed. Stay tuned.
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The Dark Angel
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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 31, 2007 4:24 pm

Episode 17: Tonya, the Speed Freak

Narrater: Nanoob has become the guardian angel and the new Yardrat king. He has sealed away the dark phoenix within the seven phoenixballs. Now Freezer is upset with Esrever.

Freezer: That was reckless of you, Esrever. The lack of knowledge is the only reason I can forgive you. But you will be punished for your lack of knowledge.

Esrever: I am ashamed of myself.

Freezer: You should be. The dark phoenix is legengary.

Esrever: But Nanoob was able to seal him away. And that's no easy task.

Freezer: The fact that you turned to their side was really reckless!

Daimon: But I was the one who turned him back. Shouldn't I be rewarded for that?

Freezer: But your original intention was to leave him behind!

Esrever thnking in a conflict: Would've Nanoob allowed me to stay with him? No he's my enemy! So why am I still thinking about it?! This is rediculous! But that was the first time anyone has treated me like a friend. No, no! What's wrong with me?!

Soldier: Master Freezer, we were informed that your twin brother, Coolza, was killed.

Freezer: Let's go!

Back on the Zaya's ship, Nanoob is feeling disapointed.

Nanoob: I still think that there is still some good in him.

Duo: You saw what happened back there, Nanoob. He evil again.

Spectra: There is always hope and nothing can destroy that.

Zaya: She's right. Do you think that I have ever given up hope on finding answers? Do you think that I ever will?

Nanoob: You're right, Zaya. Thank you.

Nightshade: Let's take a rest at the next planet that we come to.

Zaya: Okay.

They come to a planet and land. When they get out of the ship, they see that it has red grass.

Duo: This planet is beautiful. I've never seen anything like it.

Zaya: This is a great place to rest.

Nanoob: Incredible.

A strong wind begins to blow. Then a voice is spoken in the wind.

???: Friendship is a very powerful thing.

Zaya: Who's there?

The wind begins to take the shape of a young women. Then the shape became solid.

???: But how powerful can it be?

Zaya: Who are you?

Duo: Are you another one of Freezer's warriors?

???: No I am not. My name is Tonya.

Nanoob: Then what do you want?

Tonya: A race.

Zaya: Is that all?

Tonya: If you win, I will give you a dragonball.

Zaya: Then you are one of the dragon guardians?

Tonya: But if you lose...

Tonya puts her hand on Nanoobs shoulder. Nanoob begins to disolve into the wind.

Nanoob: Hey, what's goi..!

Tonya:...then you will never see your friend again. Ten times around the planet. This a test of both speed and loyalty.

Zaya enraged: Rrrr! So be it!

Tonya counting down: Three, two, one, go!

Zaya and Tonya shot like lightning with Tonya quickly taking the lead.

Zaya thinking: Her speed is incredible! I guess that I will have to go into second gear.

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan and passes Tonya on the second lap.

Tonya: You are pretty good. But let's see if you can keep up with me now.

Tonya transforms into her wind form and quickly passes Zaya to take the lead again.

Duo: Her body is like her speed, incredible.

As Zaya finishs the second lap, he transforms into mecha super saiyan 2. Zaya slowly catchs up with Tonya. Lap by lap, Zaya slowly gains on Tonya.

Zaya thinking: Remember I'm doing this for Nanoob!

Suddenly Zaya's electrcal field began to fluctuate causing him to become lightning energy. He begins gaining speed quickly now. Just before the race ends, Zaya passes Tonya and wins.

Tonya: Congragulations. You won.

Zaya: What about Nanoob?

The wind begins to blow again and Nanoob appears out of nowhere.

Tonya: Just so you know, I wasn't going to keep him from you even if you lost. Here is the five star dragonball.

Zaya: So you were just using Nanoob to raise my determination?

Tonya: Yes I was.

Duo: Tonya, I think that you are beautiful.

Tonya blushing: Thank you.

Narrater: Zaya now has three dragonballs. But he still has four more to go. Stay tuned.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeFri Feb 02, 2007 4:22 pm

Episode 18: Terraforming

Narrater: Last time, Zaya beat Tonya, the dragon guardian, in a race and obtained the 5 star ball.

Nanoob: Thank you for helping us fix the ship, Tonya. With your speed, we finished in one hour what would have taken us days to finish.

Zaya: Well let's get going. And thank you, Tonya.

Tonya: It was the least I could do.

Duo: I hope to see you again sometime.

Tonya should get going now.

Zaya and the others leave the planet

Zaya: I think that she's kind of cute. She has a nice body.

Duo getting jellous: Hey, she's mine! And what do you mean "kind of cute"? She is hot!

Nanoob: I didn't realize that an android could feel passion.

Zaya: Well you also didn't think that an android could have a soul either. I can feel passion.

Spectra: He will just keep suprising us again and again.

Zaya: But obviously not like Duo. I'm not saying that I want her.

Duo: What?! How couldn't someone want her?!

Nightshade: You have great friends, Zaya.

Spectra: And lot of spirit.

Zaya and the others travel for days. They finally come to a planet to recharge the ship.

Duo: This planet has a lot of mountains.

Nanoob: They are beautiful but in an eerie way.

Zaya: Almost as if they were alive.

???: You are not that far off.

Zaya: Who is there? And what do you mean?

???: I am Terra. I am one with nature.

Forests begin to grow out of nowhere.

Terra: I am Terra, the controller of nature. Can you win against the planet itself?

Terra raises his hand and vines came down from the trees. Then he thrusts his hand forward and the vines wrap around Zaya.

Zaya struggling: Hey, let me go.

Terra: It is amazing how strong plants can be.

The vines squeeze Zaya tighter and tighter. Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan and bursts out of the vines.

Terra: You were able to break out of those vines. That's impressive. I guess that I will have to use something stronger.

Terra waves his hand and a tree wraps around Zaya.

Zaya struggling: No, not again!

Terra: Struggle all you want. Those tree trunks are over one hundred times stronger than the vines.

The tree trunks squeeze Zaya tighter and tighter.

Terra: You can not beat me unless you can learn how to become one with nature.

Nightshade: Zaya has to learn unity in order to win against Terra. Otherwise he won't win.

Terra: Zaya has to learn how to send his own energy through nature. Unite with nature, then control it.

Nightshade: Terra is the dragon guardian of unity.

Nanoob thinking suspiciously: Why is it that Nightshade and Spectra know so much about the dragon guardians?

Zaya struggling: I will win no matter what it takes!

Zaya transforms into mecha super saiyan 2 and gives off a shockwave that disintagrages the tree trunk that trapped him.

Zaya: I refuse to loose!

A tree trunk grabs onto Zaya feet. Two other trees grab onto his left and right hand.

Zaya struggling: This is getting rediculous!

Terra: Let's see you bust out of that.

Narrater: Terra is tough to beat because he has all of nature on his side. And Nanoob is starting to become suspicious of Nightshade and Spectra. Stay tuned.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Quest Saga (episodes 1-19)   Quest Saga (episodes 1-19) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 06, 2007 12:31 pm

Episode 19: Third Time's a Charm

Narrater: Last time Zaya met Terra, the dragon guardian that controls nature. It's hard to win when you are fighting against an entire planet.

Zaya struggling: All of this gardening is getting old.

Terra: You know, you're right.

The trees release Zaya as the forest vanishs. Then in the ground, a large crevice appears. The crevice fills with water creating a lake.

Terra: How about a watery environment instead?

Zaya: Well it's diferent anyway. How dangerous can water be?

Terra: You have no idea.

A vortex of water surrounds Terra's hand and forms a fist. Using his water fist, Terra punchs Zaya, sending him flying back.

Nightshade: Unless Zaya can unite with nature, he can't win. He needs to control the environment to win.

Spectra: Zaya has to show Terra that he can unite with nature.

Nanoob thinking: Nightshade and Terra are hiding smething. But what?

Duo: Nanoob, is somethng bothering you? You seem unfocused.

Nanoob: I'm fine. don't worry about me.

Nanoob thinking: Am I okay?

Terra traps Zaya in a water bubble. The water squeezes Zaya, crushing him under the pressure.

Zaya straining: I had a better chance with the plants. Ahh!!!

Zaya's stress causes him to transform into mecha super saiyan 3. His hair grew down to his waist. His wires are beginning to show.

Zaya: This power! It's incredible! My senses are greatly inhanced. I can sense the energy coming from the lake. Is this what Terra means by becoming one with nature?

Zaya begins to send his ki energy into the water bubb;e that he was trapped in and gets rid of it. Zaya begins to take control of the environment. The lake disappears and is replaced with mountains.

Terra: Congradualations, you did it. Here's the six star dragonball.

Zaya: I have another dragonball and a new mecha super saiyan level.

Computerized voice: Mecha super saiyan 3. A level of mecha super saiyan beyond mecha super saiyan 2.

Terra: I must go now. Spectra and Nightshade will take good care of you. good luck.

Terra walks away.

Nanoob thinking: How does Terra know Spectra and Nightshade?

Duo: Three more balls to go.

Nightshade: Way to go, Zaya!

Zaya returns back to his base form and collapses onto the ground.

Duo: Zaya, are you alright?

Zaya exausted: I'm alright. I just need to rest. That form takes a lot of energy.

Spectra: Well you do deserve a good rest after that.

Duo: We all could use some rest.

Nanoob: We'll stay here over night. Then first thing in the morning we leave.

Duo: Are you okay, Nanoob? You've been acting really distracted lately.

Nanoob impatiently: I'm fine, okay?!

Duo: Okay, okay. You don't have to bite my head off.

Narrater: Zaya has retrieved his fourth dragonball and achieved a new level, mecha super saiyan 3. But what is going on with Nanoob lately? Stay tuned.
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