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 Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)

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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Jul 16, 2007 2:42 pm

Episode 34: The New Planet Vegeta

Narrater: After a difficult battle with the saiyan, Uta, Zaya finally was able to win. Now Zaya's traveling to the new saiyan home world to see the entire saiyan race.

Zaya excited: There it is! The new saiyan home planet!

Zaya lands and rests to replenish his energy. But while his focus was on reenergizing, he couldn't sense the saiyan sneaking up behind him. It was a 16 year old boy with long, crimson red hair and a blue, torn up jean jacket.

???: Fireball jutsu!

The saiyan made a hand signal and shot a fireball at Zaya. Being to low on energy, Zaya wasn't able to react in time and was engulfed in flames.

???: Leave here at once, android, or else I'll use a more powerful jutsu!

Zaya: It's not very sportsman-like to attack someone when they're low on energy.

???: That is why that was only a warning shot. Now I'm telling you again. Leave now!

Zaya: I revived the saiyan race to see what they were like. Now I wish that I never made that wish!

???: You're the one who revived the saiyan race? I'm sorry for what I did. I thought that you were an intruder. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kryon.

Zaya: This isn't the first time that there hase been a misunderstanding. My name is Zaya. You've been calling me "android". Why is that?

Kryon: I didn't know your name. So I called you what you are, an android.

Zaya: What I meant was how did you know that I'm an android?

Kryon: Because of my genjutsu. The renagon. It allows me to see energy.

Zaya: What's genjutsu?

Kryon: Genjutsu is a special form of ninjutsu. Only certain bloodlines can use them. You don't have a chokra flow, so you can't be a living being. But the electricity that powers you flows through you like chakra. It's like you're not a living being, but you are alive.

Zaya: Perhaps it's because I'm the only android with a soul.

Kryon: When I told you that that was just a warning shot I was only bluffing. I am only a ninja student. I'm not really that strong.

Zaya: Don't say that. I think that you have great potential.

Kryon: But I can't even transform into a super saiyan yet. And all of the other students can. Some can even tranform into super saiyan 2.

Zaya: Let's talk about this later. Right now I need to rest.

Narrater: It apears that Zaya has made another friend. The saiyan ninja student Kryon. Stay tuned.

Last edited by The Dark Angel on Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 06, 2007 8:56 pm

Episode 35: Zaya's Jutsus

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya was attacked by the saiyan ninja, Kryon. But it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Zaya: You're trying to get stronger in order to transform into a super saiyan, right Kryon.

Kryon complaining: Yes. But no matter how strong I get, I still can't go super saiyan.

Zaya: That's your problem. You are rellying on strength alone to become a super saiyan. But strength isn't the only thing in becoming a super saiyan. You also have to relly on your emotions.

Kryon: But what does that mean?

Zaya transforming into mecha super saiyan: You have to allow your emotions and determination overwelm you. Then the more times you become a super saiyan, the easier it becomes.

Kryon: But how do I do that?

Zaya: That part is up to you.

Suddenly out of the bushs, three daggers were thrown at Zaya. Zaya caught all three daggers with ease.

???: Kryon, get away from him!

Kryon: Master Kentu! Wait!

Kentu making a hand sign: Mind control jutsu!...What?! Why didn't it work?! Who are you and what do you want with Kryon?!

Zaya: There has been a misunderstanding.

Kryon: It's thanks to him that the saiyan race has been revived!

Zaya: My name is Zaya.

Kentu: But why didn't my mind control jutsu work on him?

Kryon: That's because he's an android.

Kentu: Well we have to get out of here. Oma is on his way here.

Zaya: Who's Oma?

Kryon: Oma is a C rank ninja who has been after me for my renagon.

Kentu: There are five ninja ranks. A, B, C, D, and E. E rank ninjas are students. When they become strong enough so they don't need training any more, they rise to rank D. C rank ninjas are the trainers of the E rank ninjas. B rank ninjas are the elite level of ninjas and are very rare. But A rank ninjas are the strongest. There have been only four A rank ninjas in history.

???: Shadow posession jutsu!

A shadow extended from a near by tree and connected with Zaya's shadow.

Zaya strugling: What's going on? I can't move.

???: What a shame. I missed my target. Oh well. I'll just use what I got.

Kentu: Oma, I won't let you get Kryon!

Oma: And who's going to stop me? Or should I say who's going to stop your new friend?

Oma made a grabbing action and Zaya did the same action and grabbed Kryon.

Zaya still strugling: What's going on? Why can't I control my Body?

Oma: Strugle all you want. But as long as that shadow is touching you, you're under my control.

Zaya: The last one who beleived that ended up under my control.

Oma: Then he wasn't using this jutsu.

Zaya's eyes began to glow gold. Then it seemed as if he was in a trance. He was then surrounded with a lightning aura. The lightning disrupted the shadow enough to allow him to move on his own.

Zaya making a hand sign: You're right. The shadow posession jutsu is a lot easier to get out of. Lightning storm jutsu!

A bolt of lightning struck towards Oma. But he was able to dodge in time.

Oma frustrated: We'll meet again. I promise you that.

Oma then fled.

Kentu: That was a B rank jutsu. But how?

Zaya: Kryon, sometimes going super saiyan is like learning a jutsu. Sometimes it just happens.

Zaya passes out.

Kryon: Zaya?!

Kentu: I guess that attack use to much chakra for him. He just needs to rest.

Narrater: Wow! What a jutsu! It looks like Zaya's adding more attacks to his arsenal. But what about Oma? Stay tuned.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 10, 2007 3:44 pm

Episode 36: Unfinished Buisness

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya faught against the saiyan ninja, Oma. And while in the process, Zaya learned a B rank jutsu. But by using this jutsu, Zaya was drained of energy.

Kryon: Master Kentu, you said that Zaya used to much chakra. But he's an android and doesn't have a chakra flow.

Kentu: Then how was he able to perform a jutsu?

Kryon: It's because the electricity in him flows through his body like chakra. And because he has a life fource, he can use his electrical energy as chakra.

Zaya regaining conciousness: What happened?

Kentu: That jutsu that you used took to much energy.

???: Well, well, well. How the mighty have fallen.

Kentu: Who's there?

Zaya: I remember that voice. Freezer.

Freezer: At least your memory bank wasn't damaged. We never actually faught, have we?

Zaya: What do you want, Freezer?!

Freezer: What I want is to have some fun. I never fight my enemies because they're all to weak for me to enjoy it. But you may be strong enough for me to have fun.

Zaya powering up: You're going to regret chalenging me!

Fight scene
Zaya shoots 10,000 ki blasts in one second at Freezer, But he deflected them all.

Freezer: I guess I was wrong about you.

Zaya powering up: You're going to regret underestimating me! Haaa!!!

Zaya transforms strait into mecha super saiyan 4. Zaya shoots 5 billion ki blast at Freezer in one millisecond. Freezer was only able to deflect 2 billion of them. The rest of them hit Freezer, sending him flying back.

Freezer: I guess I'll have to transform to beat you. And I have a transformation even beyond Cooler.

Narrater: Freezer has a transformation that not even Cooler could reach? The fight will continue on the next Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2007 6:17 pm

Episode 37: Freezer's Transformation

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Freezer arived apearantly just to fight with Zaya. But Zaya learns that Freezer has a transformation that surpasses the rest of his family. Is this true, or is Freezer bluffing?

Freezer began to transform. Boney blades began to grow from his elbows and knees like armored plates. His flesh began to tear from his power level.

Zaya in shock: How is this posible?! His energy is over 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 and still rising!

Freezer: You seemed suprised Zaya. Is it because you know how high my energy, is?

Zaya horified: His energy is at 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 and still rising!!!

Freezer: In this form, I have an infinite amount of power! That means that I am invincible.

Kentu making a hand sign: We'll see about that. Shadow posession jutsu!

Kentu's shadow extended to Freezer.

Kentu: Let me see you get out of that. Now you are under my control.

Freezer breaking Kentu's jutsu with ease: Was that suposed to hold me in place? What a pothetic excuse of a jutsu!

Kentu in shock: That's imposible! The shadow posession jutsu is imposible to brake without breaking the shadow!

Zaya was sudenly sent flying back injured.

Freezer: That was boring. You probably wern't even able to track my movements.

Kryon thinking to himself: What is he talking about? He never even moved from that spot! Could he really be that powerful?

Freezer: I do have to say that I am impressed that you're still in such a good condition after 1,000,000,000 punchs.

Zaya: What do you mean? You only punched me once!

Freezer: That just shows how slow you are compared to me. You're not even worth the time. I'll send one of my elite warriors to finish the job.

Freezer returned to his base form and left. But in his place was one of his elite warriors.

???: Now it's my turn to have a little fun.

Narrater: Can Freezer be beaten in this new transformation? And Who is this new warrior? Find out on the next Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2007 1:14 am

Episode 38: Koppion the Copy Cat

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Freezer revieled his most powerful transformation. Zaya realized that he is seemingly invincible in this form and was tossed aside like a rag doll.

???: Now it's my turn to have a little fun.

Zaya: I suppose that you're another one of Freezer's warriors, right? Because if you're anything like the others, then this won't be much of a chalenge.

???: You're right about one thing. I am one of Freezer's warriors. But I'm not like most of the others. I am one of Freezer's elite. You shale address me as Koppion.

Zaya: I remember Esrever mentioning something about Freezer's elite warriors.

Esrever: Actually, I am one Freezer's weeker warriors. I just hope that you won't have to go up against his elite warriors.

Zaya: Who are they?

Esrever: I don't know. But I do know that there are four of them And there powers highly excede my own.

Duo: But you have the ability to reverse any kind of energy.

Esrever: for som reason, my power does not work against them. I don't know why.
<end flashback>

Zaya: Why aren't you affected by Esrever's ability?

Koppion: Isn't it obvious? He's just to weak and we're to evil for him to handle.

Kryon powering up: Fireball jutsu!

Zaya thinking: I don't get it. When he powers up, he just comes to a hault at that point. Almost as if it's being held from going beyond that point.

Koppion was hit by Kryon's fireball jutsu, but reacted as if nothing happened.

Zaya powering up: You shouldn't have made me your enemy.

Zaya transforming into mecha super saiyan 4: I'm more powerful than you think.

Koppion powering up: Those are big words. But do you have what it takes to back them up?

Koppion transforming into mecha super saiyan 4: Because you're playing in the big leagues now.

Narrater: What's going on? How was Koppion able to transform into mecha super saiyan 4? And what is this suspician that Zaya has about how Kryon powers up? Stay tuned for the next Dragonball D!
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 19, 2007 4:57 am

Episode 39: Kentu's Secret

Narrater: Zaya met Koppion who has the ability to copy the abilities of his apponent, even super saiyan.

Zaya and Koppion charge at each other in a melee of billions of punchs and kicks within milliseconds. The shockwaves they gave off shook the planet. The energy that they were giving off was disrupting the ecosystem.

Kentu thinking: If they keep this up for much longer, the whole galaxy will be destroyed. Maybe I should release...No, it's to dangerous.

Zaya thinking: I can't win like this. I need help if I'm going to defea...


While Zaya was thinking to himself, Koppion kicked him in the head. Zaya went flying back 10 miles before he regained stability.

Kentu: It looks like I have no choice. I just hope I don't regret it. Kryon, come here.

Kryon: What is it, master Kentu?

Kentu: Brace yourself, Kryon. This may be a shock to you.

Kryon: What do you mean?

Kentu performing a jutsu: Release.

Suddenly Kryon was overwhelmed with tremendess power. Then he uncontrolably tansformed into super saiyan. Then super saiyan 2, then 3.

Super Saiyan 3 Kryon disoriented and confused: What did you do to me? Where did all af this energy come from?

Kentu: There's no time to explain. Go help Zaya!

Super Saiyan 3 Kryon going to help Zaya: Right! Fireball jutsu!

Kryon shot a massive fireball 5 times his own size at Koppion. The fireball hit Koppion and knocked him down.

SSJ3 Kryon: How's that for a fireball jutsu?

Koppion got back up and began to laugh.

Koppion: Ha, ha, ha. Now aren't we a little tough guy, now aren't we? I'm intreagued on how a twerp like you got so strong. Tell me how you did it.

SSJ3 Kryon: To tell the truth, I'm not sure what happened.

Zaya returning: I beleive I do. But you're not worth being told.

SSJ4 Zaya and SSJ3 Kryon: Multi-shadow clone jutsu!

The odds went from 2 to 1 to 2,000 to 1.

Zaya, Kryon, and their shadow clones: Fireball jutsu.

With that attack, Koppion was incinerated.

Narrater: Does that mean that Koppion was defeated? And what did Kentu do to Kryon that caused him to gain so much power? find out on the next Drgonball D!
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2007 5:07 am

Episode 40: Millenia, The Time Shifter

Narrater: Previously on Dragonball D, Zaya was struggling to defeat Koppion, that is untill Kentu released a seal on Kryon. The power that Kryon gained was overwhelming and Kryon was able to help Zaya defeat Koppion.

As the smoke cleared, all tht was left where Koppion once was standing were just a few ashes.

SSJ3 Kryon looking at Zaya: Does this mean that Koppion is gone for good?

Zaya still looking at the ashes: I beleive so. But I can't shake this uneasy fealing that I have.

Zaya turned away from the ashes and to Kentu.

Zaya: I would like some answers. What just happened?

Kentu: I released a sealing jutsu that was set on Kryon. The seal was made to stop the flow of ki and chakra at a certain point.

Kryon looking at Kentu disapointed: But master Kentu, why would you prevent me from getting more powerful?

Zaya answering Kryon: I don't think that was the case. I beleive that it was more of a training technique that allows you to gain more and more power by making you work harder in order to power up beyond the set power level on the seal.

Kentu: That's right. And up untill this point I was afraid of how powerful you may have become. Afraid that you wouldn't be able to control that power.

Kryon: I will say that you have always been a little overprotective with me, master Kentu.

Kryon tryed to return to his base form but he couldn't.

Kryon confused: Why can't I transform back?

Kentu: This is what I was afraid of. Because of how much power was built up, and at such a young age. The intense power is preventing you from powering down.

Kryon worried: Does that meen that I'm stuck like this?!

Kentu: No. It just meens that you have to wait until you run out of energy. But it may take a while.

???: How pathetic. You can't control your power.

Zaya: Who's there? Are you another one of Freezer's elite?

???: How perceptive. My name is Millenia. And your little friend will transform back in 3 days, 14 hours, and 37 minutes.

Narrater: Who is Millenia? And how does he know exactly when Kryon will go back to his base form? Find out on the next Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 9:49 pm

Episode 41: Time Warped

Narrater: On the last episode of Dragonball D, the second of Freezer's elite, Millenia. But what kind of power does Millenia have?

Millenia: I'd ask you to attack to see what you got, but I already know the outcome of the fight.

Zaya skeptical: How could you possibly know what's going to happen?

Millenia: Because for me, it already happened. I can travel through time. And you're going to lose.

Kryon: My renagon eye can see your chakra, and you don't have enough to overpower Zaya.

Millenia: That's not how he loses. He'll lose by using up all his chakra.

Kentu: Let's just see how good you are. Fireball jutsu!

Kentu shot a fireball at Millenia, but he missed.

Millenia: You should work on your aim.

Kentu: I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Suddenly the fireball turned around to strike Millenia again. But before it hit, Millenia vanished and the fireball hit Kentu.

Zaya thinking: Where'd he go? He didn't teleport away, he would've left a residual energy patern. He left none as if he just vanished.

Millenia reappeared behind Kentu and knocked him to the ground with a windmill kick. Then he vanished again.

Zaya thinking: When he vanishes, it's different. With other abilities, there's usually some sort of increase in the energy flow. But when Millenia vanishes, his energy flow seems to freeze in time for a split second and then vanishes. I wonder if...

Zaya: Kryon, Kentu, any ideas on how to get rid of Millenia with one blow?

Kentu: I have an idea. But th 3 of us will have to combind our chakra. because it's a high powered C rank jutsu. The needle tomb jutsu.

Zaya, Kentu, and Kryon got together to join their chakra. They focused their chakras so that they would become one. Then they performed the jutsu.

Zaya, Kentu, and Kryon: Needle tomb jutsu!!!

Millions of needles surrounded Millenia. Then they all struck at once.

Kryon: There was nowhere for him to escape.

Millenia from behind them: That was an impressive attack. Unless you were trying to hit me.

Kryon confused: How were you able to escape? There was no way out!

Suddenly Zaya callapsed.

Millenia looking down at Zaya: Just like I predicted. He lost because he ran out of chakra.

Narrater: Is this really the end for Zaya? Or will he somehow pull through? Find out on the next Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2008 4:11 am

Episode 42: Perfect Timing

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya and the others tried to finish Millenia off in 1 quick blow. But he escaped the attack and like Millenia predicted, Zaya collapsed from a loss of chakra.

Millenia: That's 1 prediction come true. Now it's time to make sure that the other doesn't get a chance to come true.

Millenia fired a blast at Kryon that caused time to warp around it. But before the blast hit Kryon, he vanished.

Millenia disoriented and confused: What happened? Where'd he go? What happened, Kentu?

Kentu casually: How am I supposed to know?

Millenia: I know you know what happened. But if you insist on not telling me, I guess I'll just kill you instead.

Millenia used his attack on Kentu. But before it hit, Kentu vanished as well.

Millenia: Where'd you 2 go?

Zaya from behind Millenia: You shouldn't always beleive what you see. Your eyes can deceive you.

Millenia spinning around: No, that's imposible! You...

When Millenia turned around, there was nobody there.

Zaya from behind Millenia again: You obviously don't know how to sense energy. Not efficiantly enough anyway.

Millenia spun around again. But again there was nobody there.

Millenia getting impatient: Where are you!?

Zaya from overhead of Millenia: As for me, I figured out you ability.

Millenia looked up and there was still nobody there.

Millenia enraged: Show yourself!!!

Zaya appearing right in front of Millenia: I also figured out how to stop you.

Zaya gave off an energy wave. But Millenia seemed unaffected.

Millenia: Did you really think that an attack like that was going to destroy me?

Zaya: To tell the truth, no.

Millenia: It's time for me to show you what true power is. Die!

Millenia was about to use his attack on Zaya. But when he tried, nothing happened.

Millenia: Wha...what's going on?

Zaya: I told you I found out how to stop you. I realized all of your abilities revolve around warping time. Every time you warp time, I noticed that your energy flow stops, as if it freezes in time. That energy wave I gave off is meant to keep your energy flow nonstop.

Millenia enraged: That's impossible!

Zaya: Oh, it's quite possible. As for myself, I managed to turn your time travel abilety into a jutsu. I beleive that my proof will arive in 3...2...1...

Suddenly out of nowhere, Kentu and Kryon appeared with another Zaya.

Zaya: I made sure to take them to a point in time where you are no longer a threat.

Zaya from the past: Perfect timing I'd say. I'll see you 2 ...well now I guess.

Then the Zaya from them past vanished.

Zaya: I'd stay and talk some more, but I'd fust be wasting my time.

Narrater: Millenia is no longer a threat. But who else will Zaya run into? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 5:46 am

Episode 43: The Other Squad Members

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya found out how to nulify Millenia's tecknique. But there are still 2 more of Freezer's elite warriors.

Zaya and Kentu were explaining to Kryon how he planned the fake defeat.

Kryon: You had that planned all along?

Zaya: Yeah. Millenia's mistake was telling me what was going to happen. I also reallized that he couldn't sense energy.

< flashback >
Kentu: Let's just see how good you are. Fireball jutsu!

Kentu shot a fireball at Millenia, but he missed.

Millenia: You should work on your aim.

Kentu: I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Suddenly the fireball turned around to strike Millenia again. But before it hit, Millenia vanished and the fireball hit Kentu.

Zaya thinking: Where'd he go? He didn't teleport away, he would've left a residual energy patern. He left none as if he just vanished.

Millenia reappeared behind Kentu and knocked him to the ground with a windmill kick. Then he vanished again.

Zaya thinking: When he vanishes, it's different. With other abilities, there's usually some sort of increase in the energy flow. But when Millenia vanishes, his energy flow seems to freeze in time for a split second and then vanishes. I wonder if...

Zaya using telepathy to Kentu: Kentu, I have an idea on how to beat Millenia. But I need to fool him into thinking I ran out of chakra.

Zaya: Kryon, Kentu, any ideas on how to get rid of Millenia with one blow?

Kentu: I have an idea. But th 3 of us will have to combind our chakra. because it's a high powered C rank jutsu. The needle tomb jutsu.

Kentu using telepathy to Zaya: Will that work?

Zaya uling telepathy to Kentu: Perfect!

Zaya, Kentu, and Kryon got together to join their chakra. They focused their chakras so that they would become one. Then they performed the jutsu.

Zaya, Kentu, and Kryon: Needle tomb jutsu!!!
< end flashback >

???: I couldn't have come up with a better plan myself. But I'm the worst tactition in class.

Kentu: I'd know that voice anywhere.

Kryon: Erad, where've you been?

Zaya: You know him?

Kryon: Yeah, we're part of the same squad! But if you're here, then that must meen...

???: I like the new look, Kryon. I hope that I can get to that super saiyan level soon.

Kryon: Kudos! does that meen that Jayde is here too?

A girl came walking out.

Jayde: Do saiyans transform during a full moon?

Kentu: It looks like the squad's back together again.

Zaya: What were you seporated for?

Kentu: It's the first part of my training program. Part 1 has 2 steps. Step 1 involves splitting up and learning a new technique on their own. Step 2 involves finding the other team members.

Jayde: It's pretty obvious what Kryon's new ability is. But wait until you see ours.

Narrater: So all of Kryon's team mates are together again. But what abilities have they learned? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball D.

Last edited by on Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:01 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 12:58 am

Episode 44: The Fruits of Kentu's Training Style

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya was able to meet Kryon's squad members and Kentu's style of training. But what kind of techniques did Erad, Kudos, and Jayde learn?

Kentu looked at Erad, Kudos, and Jayde.

Kentu: Alright. Let's see what you have learned. Let's start with you, Kudos.

Kudos: I have created a new jutsu by combining 2 jutsus together. With the fireball jutsu and the absolute zero jutsu to create what I call the tundra blaze jutsu.

Kudos made a hand sign and then shot a blue fireball at a tree. When the fire dispersed, the tree was frozen solid.

Kentu walked over to the tree to touch it. But when he did, he immediately pulled it away and started shaking it like it was hurt.

Kryon running to Kentu: Master Kentu, are you okay?

Kentu looked at his hand and saw frost.

Kentu in a tense voice: Yeah. Damn that was freezing! Well done, Kudos. You're up, Erad.

Erad stepping foward: My ability has to do with my super saiyan form. What I learned to do is to alter the super daiyan form to a specific animal form.

Erad began powering up to go into super saiyan form. But before he transformed, he made a hand sign.

Erad going super saiyan: Beast mimicry jutsu, tiger style!

Erad transformed into his super saiyan form, but a different form of super saiyan. His hair changed into a yellow-orange color with black stripes. His eyes turned an aqua green color, but they were like cat eyes. His hands became claws.

Super saiyan Erad: This is what I call this the tiger super saiyan.

Zaya thinking: What?! That is very interresting!

Kentu amazed: Great work, Erad! Now what have you learned, Jayde?

Jayde: I pretty much just learned the same thing that Erad learned, but in a different way.

Jayde also beggan to power up to super saiyan. She performed a hand sign.

Jayde powering up: Elemental synk jutsu!

Jayde, while transforming into super saiyan, the element of the plants around her. Her hair transformed into a yellow green color. Her eyes became a forest green color. Her super saiyan aura became 1 with the plants all around.

Super saiyan Jayde: This would be what I call the forest super saiyan. But that's not all. Watch this...

Suddenly Jayde began to control the plants. Roots came up out of the ground and grabbed the others by their feet. Then they let go.

Forest super saiyan Jayde: I can also control the element.

Kentu: Nicely done, Jayde.

A figure in the shadows thinking: Yes, nicely done. To bad none of you will have a chance to learn anymore techniques.

Narrater: Now that they all have great new techniques, will they ever get the chance to use them? And who is this mystery figure? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2008 6:57 am

Episode 45: A Mysterious Reallity

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya had a chance to meet Kryon's squad members; Kudos, Erad, and Jayde. And they have witnessed their new incredible abilities.

Jayde: So master Kentu, do you think we have what it takes to enter the ninja tournament?

Zaya repeating Jayde: The ninja tournament?

Kryon: The ninja tournament is a tournament that tests the skills of E rank ninja to see who will advance to a D rank.

Zaya: So if you win the tournament, you advance to rank D?

Kentu: No, it dosn't work like that. What happens is...

???: What happens is I destroy you! My name is Myrterio. Let's see how long you'll last in my world.

Suddenly Zaya, Kentu, Kryon, Erad, Jayde, and Kudos were transported to an open field.

Kudos: Where are we?

Kryon: I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this place.

Jayde: Also, who was that? And where did he take us?

Zaya: I don't think we moved from where we were.

Erad: What are yoiu talking about? We're obviously not where we were.

Kentu: What he means is that we were transported to another dimension, but we never moved from our spot.

Mysterio: How perceptive. I created this dimension so I control it.

Suddenly, storm clouds came out of nowhere and lightning struck Zaya. An hour later, he woke up.

Zaya: What happened?

A mysterious figure came out of the shadows with his face covered.

Mysterious figure: Mysterio can control everything in this dimension.

Zaya: But you're not under his control, are you?

Mysterious figure: No I'm not.

Narrater: Will Zaya and the others be able to escape Mysterio's dimension? And who is this mysterious figure? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 17, 2008 3:19 am

Episode 46: The True Forms of Koppion and Millenia

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Mysterio transported Zaya and the others to a dimension of his own creation.

Zaya looked at the mysterious figure with skepticism. He could sense something about him that was familiar.

Zaya with a harsh tone towards the stranger: Who are you and what are you doing here?!

Erad getting between Zaya and the stranger: Hey, don't snap at him like that. It's thanks to him that you were able to recover so quickly!

Zaya appologetically: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that.

The stranger pulling off his hood: You have a right to feel uncomfortable with me.

When Zaya saw him, he was astonished. It was Millenia. When Zaya was over his astonishment, he lunged at Millenia. But Millenia dodged the attack with his ability of time travel.

Zaya confused: What just happened? I negated his time travel ability.

Millenia reappearing: That's because I'm not Millenia. Not exactly anyway. It's more appropriate to say that Millenia is me. My name is Era.

Kentu: What does that mean?

Era: Millenia and Koppion are just empty shells. Skrypt used his ability to control events that happen. He tried to make Myritryx and me to turn evil.

Zaya: Who's Myritryx?

A stanger who looked like Koppion came out of the shadows.

Stranger: I am Myritryx. Skrypt's ability didn't work because there was to much good in us. So instead he made it so our bodies and our souls seperated. Then Mysterio took us to this place.

Era: Because our bodies were empty shells, they could make them do what they wanted.

Kentu: And now we're trapped here. At least you have some company now.

Myritryx: Actually we were aware of what was going on when you faught Koppion and Millenia. And we're aware of your power. If I had a way of obtaining more power, I could copy Mysterio's ability and we could escape.

Zaya: This is just an idea, but I think I know a way to give you access to more power. I learned this technique on the planet Earth. Fusion.

Kryon: What's fusion?

Kudos: If I were to make a guess, I would guess that it's a way of two beings becoming one.

Erad: That idea is completely rediculous. Like something like that can be possible?

Zaya: Kudos is right. I'm going to try it with Kop...I mean Myritryx. He will be able to copy me perfectly.

Zaya and Myritryx began the fusion the pose.

Zaya and Myritryx: Fu...sion...

Erad looking at Zaya and Myritryx and blushing: This is completely rediculous!

Zaya and Myritryx: Ha!!!

Suddenly there was a blinding light. When the light faded, there was a new being where Zaya and Myritryx were.

The fusion of Zaya and Myritryx: Just call me Myrit.

Kentu: Were you watching them with your renagon eye, Kryon?

Kryon: Yes I was, and I can see that Myrit is an imperfect fusion.

Narrater: Zaya may have a way of getting out of Mysterio's dimension. With it's Myrit, the fusion of Zaya and Myritryx. But what did Kryon mean when he said that Myrit is an imperfect fusion? Stay tuned for the next episode of Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2008 3:46 pm

Episode 47: The Perfect Fusion

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya and Myritryx fused together to become Myrit. But Kryon claims that Myrit is an imperfect fusion. But what did Kryon mean by a 'perfect fusion'?

Myrit: What do you mean I'm an imperfect fusion? The fusion pose was performed perfectly.

Kryon: But you are still two seporate beings at essence. The two of you are not trully one being. Your life force flows are still seporated from each other. The body cannot handle that for long.

Myrit: A half an hour to be exact. But there is another form of fusion that was created by the supreme kai. It involves using fusion earings called potara. The original versions caused perminent fusions. But someone I know on earth, well someone Zaya knows, created potara earings that didn't cause perminent fusions.

Erad: It sounds like your friend from earth came the closest to acheiving the perfect fusion form.

Kentu: The closest, but not close enough. It's still using something else to help the fusion. But if the fusion also involves the life force flow, then it sounds to me that you could turn the fusion technique into a jutsu.

Myrit: Well considering that I can copy attacks in this form, but not unique techniques, this isn't the right form to use either.

Kryon: Also in that form, you no longer have a saiyan aura. That meens that you won't be able to go super saiyan. And that'll mean that you won't have enough power to be able to use the technique that you need anyway.

Myrit: Well I guess we'll just have to play the waiting game.

They waited until the half an hour has passed until the fusion split.

Era: I rarely can say something like this, but I was getting tired of waiting.

Zaya: So, should we try that again?

Myritryx: I'm ready when you are.

Zaya began to focus his energy, but he wasn't trying to come up with some sort of hand sign for a fusion jutsu. Suddenly, the fusion began. But rather than a flash of light, like with other fusion techniques, Zaya and Myritryx just merged into one being.

???: Hmm, I like this new fusion form.

Kryon: That truly is the perfect fusion!

Kentu: So, should we call you Myrit like before? Or do you have another name that you'd like to be know by?

???: Zaitryx

Narrater: Zaya and Myritryx have a pweerfect fusion, Zaitryx. But will it be enough to get them out of that dimension? Stay tuned for the next episode of Dragonball D.
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 09, 2008 6:54 pm

Episode 48: The Call of the Gold Star Dragon Guardians

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaya and Myritryx have finally come up with the perfect fusion, Zaitryx, through a jutsu, even though Zaya didn't seem to perform a jutsu.

Kryon curious about Zaya performing a jutsu without hand signs: How were you able to fuse like that? You never made any hand signals. But I know that it was a form of jutsu.

Zaitryx: I guess that you could say that, in a way, it both was and wasn't a jutsu.

The others just stared in confusion.

Zaitryx: Let me put it like this. Performing a jutsu is just a way of focusing the energy. However it is in fact unnessessary. All I did was focus the energy of the jutsu myself.

Kentu: Ah, now I see. And it makes sense too. The art of ninjutsu is mainly about learning how to focus.

Zaitryx then began to focus: This dimension has traces of Mysterio's energy everywhere. I don't think I even have to find him to be able to transport us out of here.

Zaitryx began to focus on the energy. Suddenly they were all transported back to their own dimension.

Era: It's been such a long time since I've been free from that world.

Erad: Home sweet home!

Kryon looked toward Zaitryx just to see him glaring in a certain direction...towards Earth.

Kryon: Zaitryx, are you okay?

Zaitryx barely able to articulate his thoughts: Trouble...They've come...Must leave.

Kudos: Who's come?

Jayde: Leave to where?

Erad: What trouble?

Zaitryx answering all three questions: The gold star dragon guardians.

Kryon transforming into super saiyan 3: Well you're not going without us.

Zaitryx: You can't come.

Kudos using his Tundra Blaze jutsu, Erad transforming into his tiger super saiyan form, and Jayde transforming into her froest super saiyan form: Our abilities will come in handy.

Zaitryx: You'll all get hurt.

Kentu: They have become very skilled.

Zaitryx forcefully: No, I can't let you come! It's far to dangerous! I refuse to let any of you get hurt!

Era: I have an idea. It's an ability that not even my counterpart, Millenia, can do. It's a way for them to be with you at all times, without actually being with you. It's a technique of merging spirits so that they will always be a part of each other. But you should defuse because I don't know what will happen if you defuse afterwards.

Narrater: Zaitryx has successfully returned the group to their own dimension. But who are the gold star dragon guardians that has him so worried? And what about this technique that Era is talking about? Find out next time on Dragonball D!
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The Dark Angel
The Dark Angel

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Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49)   Saiyan Ninja Saga (Episodes 34-49) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 11, 2008 5:05 pm

Episode 49: Goodye to New Friends?

Narrater: Last time on Dragonball D, Zaitryx returned the group from Myserio's dimension back to there own. But when they returned, Zaitryx sensed an energy that was so dangerous and powerful, it left him in a trance. He has to help, but he doesn't want Kryon and his friends to get hurt.

Zaitryx defuses back to Zaya and Myritryx.

Zaya: So what is this technique that you mentioned?

Era: It's known as sync link. What I am going to do is an alternate version of it. First, Zaya, allow yourself to become syncronized with th kids. Allow your breathing to be one with their's. To the point where your heart beats are syncronized.

Zaya looked at Era confused: I'm an android. I don't have a heart.

Era: Do you have anything in your systems that has some sort of beat to it?

Zaya: There are gears in my interal motor that has a constant beat to it.

Era: Then use that.

As Zaya began to sycronize himself with the kids, he began to feel their hearts beating in his chest along with his motor. This startled Zaya a bit, but he didn't lose focus.

Era reached out his hands. One towards Zaya and one towards the kids. Spiritual energy began to flow from the kids, and from Zaya into Era's hands. Through Era, the energy streams became one.

Once the process was finished, the energy streams returned to the bodies. Zaya could feel the presence of the kids, and the kids felt the presence of Zaya. Then Era fell to the ground and began to vanish.

Kryon running to Era: Era, What's happening?!

Era: In order to perform this task, I had to sacrifice myself.

Kryon beggining to cry: What?! No! Why'd you have to do this? Why didn't you tell us?

Era getting weaker: If I told you, you wouldn't have let me do it. But don't worry. I'm a being that exists outside of time. So I'll always exist. I promise we'll meet again.

With that said, Era then vanished. Kryon, with tears in his eyes, looked up at Zaya, who seemed to have no remorse for what happened.

Kryon crying: How can you stand there and not be upset?

Zaya: Because there's no reason to be.

Kryon now beggining to cry in anger: What do you meen "There's no reason"? Our friend just died!

Zaya: You'll find out in time.

Kryon now yelling at Zaya: I was wrong about you, Zaya. I thought that you were more than just a machine, that you were an actual living creature that had emotions. But all you are is a cold, heartless machine!

With that said, Zaya turned away to leave. But when he turned away, a tear rolled down his cheak. Myritryx followed Zaya to go to earth. But before they left, Kentu went to talk with them.

Kentu quiet enough that the kids couldn't hear asking Myritryx: When Era said that we'll meet again, did he really meen that?

Zaya adding to the question: And was I right in acting like I did?

Myritryx: Like he said himself, Era is a being that lives outside of time. Beings that exist outside of time cannot die of natural causes. And in the case of self sacrifice, they do return in as little as one month. As for how you acted, Zaya, it was kind of harsh how you put it.

Zaya: Well I was pretty sure that Era would come back. The way I acted was that I figured that it would be easier on Kryon with me leaving if he was angry at me. That's why I didn't directly tell him "Era will return". I just hinted that in the long run, there is no loss.

Kentu: I see. Well, I guess you'd better get going. Do you think that we'll meet again?

Zaya: Only time can tell.

With that said, Zaya and Myritryx went on there way.

Narrater: Zaya had to leave his friends and say goodbye. But it was an unhappy ending. One of his friends died and another may not be his friend anymore...

Myritryx: Was it easy for you to make Kryon angry at you?

Zaya: No. In fact, all it did for me was make it harder on me.

Myritryx: Well Kryon was right about you. Because a cold, heartless machine wouldn't have shed tears.

Zaya looking at Myritryx with a combination of joy and sorrow: Thanks. We'll get there alot faster if we fuse.

With that said, Zaya and Myritryx fused into Zaitryx and went on there way to earth.
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